Saturday, January 31, 2009

Endless Information

Yesterday the Republican Party chose its first black national chairman in its history. Michael Steele is the former Lt. Governor from the great state of Maryland. Now, my first thought when I first heard of this news was that the RNC made this move strictly for PR purposes. There have been a lot of talks about the getting the Republican party to relate more to minorities and I think they some believe that this will be an automatic fix. I find it very interesting that as soon as the cameras were on him he stated that he is going after Obama and looks forward to sparring with him. He also stated that he would tell Obama how you like me know in reference to Obama being dismissive of Steele a few years back. I really wonder if this dynamic is needed right now. I wonder if Obama will take his forcefulness kindly or will this begin a constant back and forth battle. It makes for an exciting time in politics but the chess game has officially begun in Washington.

Last night my wife and I went out with a few of her co-workers and we met a young woman who had just moved to DC from Hawaii. My wife and I questioned her as to why she would leave the warm beautiful climate of Hawaii to come here and she stated it was an opportunity she could not pass up. I can't even begin to think how hard of a decision that was to make. How do you leave a climate like that to come here. Don't get me wrong, I love DC like no other city but if I could be in Hawaii seven days a week.......I will leave it at that.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you with that Hawaii comment man, although career wise, DC is better.
