Thursday, January 22, 2009


Well, I guess this is my my grown way of getting things off of my mind. When I was young, or shall I say younger, I used to write so-called rhymes and vent that way. It seems as if I have grown out of that and moved on to using this as my forum. Being that I am now 30 years old on my way to 31 it seems as though life is always there to remind you of something..... Life is never easy but if it was, I probably would take it for granted.

I am coming off of a good weekend and a productive few days off. I think I am ready to go back to work on Friday. I think...... Without getting in to much detail I think I am really bored with work and ready to go back to school. As a matter of fact, I know I am ready to make that leap..... I just need to make that first step.......

But when...........


  1. Welcome to blog land, and I'm glad you're writing my dude. As long as you realize your blog will never be as good as mine, you'll be good!!! I shall link it to my page

  2. Hmm....are these thoughts reversible, truly? I'm almost positive that they're irreversible since they're published for the world to see!
    Just giving you a hard time. Welcome to blogland!!

