Sunday, January 25, 2009


On November 2, 2006 at 11:47 in the evening my son was born. Words can't explain the happiness my wife and I felt at the moment. I knew I that point that my life would change forever and that my focus would always be his well-being. (Second to my wife of course...!00 points) As these two years have virtually blown by, I have noticed that my son has a personality that mirrors my own. He has a sense of humor, he is hardheaded, he is a flirt, (sorry baby), and lastly he has a smart mouth. This is where my worry comes in. For the last several weeks when either my wife or I pick him up from childcare we hear that either he has talked back to one of the providers or that he is very adamant about which toys are his. Now, I know the toy part comes from him being an only child and I guess I understand that part. I was raised with an older brother so I really could not be selfish about anything due to the thrashing I would get. My son on the other hand feels as though what is his is his and no one should dare touch it. This concerns me but I chalk it up to terrible two's and will leave it at that. We are working on the sharing aspect at home. My real concern comes from his mouth. I really worry that it is something that will not leave him. Any one that knows myself or my brother or even my wife knows that we all have a very smart mouth that can and sometimes does get all of us in a little bit of trouble. But all of us are at least 30 (sorry again baby) and so it is part of us at this point. I must say that I don't want it to become part of my son and cause him some of the the same minor issues it caused me. Maybe I am overthinking this, but I must admit I am worried about it.

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