Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It is really frustrating when you seek the advice who have gone on a similar path that you inspire to and you are completely ignored. I am starting something that I feel passionate about and I am working with some excellent people and I trying to reach out to those who are already where I want to be. I simply want to ask them what mistakes they have made and what things they can tell me to push me in the right direction. Now, it could be I am a little impatient. I sent out these emails and phone calls last week and in this business it take a while for people to get back to you. Still, I want to hear something back soon.

I am on vacation this week from my 9-5 and it could not come at a better time. It gives me a lot of time to focus on my new endeavor. My wife is also on spring break this week so all is well. This merger that my company is going through is a lot work and a lot of training. I am hoping that it goes smoothly so we will see.

I have realizing that I have been praying a lot more lately. This has not been a conscious decision but it has just been coming naturally. I wonder if there is an explanation for this. The first thing I do before I leave the house is have a brief praying session. I think it is giving me clarity for the day. It is almost like a to do list. When I first get to work in the morning I make a to do list of calls I have to make and things that I need to do. I put prayer on my mental to do list. It is helping me I think.

Talking about to do lists I need to set a date to bowl with my brother. I heard his game is lacking.

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