Friday, February 6, 2009

Alphabet Plans

598,000!! This is the number of jobs lost just in the month of January alone. Unemployment in the country is at 7.6%. I must admit that I am getting very nervous. I am seeing the affects first hand from a few of my clients. I am seeing once confident business owners pulling everything from savings just to have operating money. I am seeing people with a regular 9-5 really start mapping out plans for a plan B and C. I am seeing 401K's being cashed out in record numbers. I am seeing a record number in small business owners closing up shop and applying for any type of job and taking a tremendous pay cut. I am beginning to lose faith in this economy as a whole. The "experts" on the issue have all but said that don't expect any changes until the end of the year. Can we wait that long. Last week alone I read three stories about men going into their homes and killing their family due to financial troubles. I am aware of that being on the extreme end but the underlying problem remains. What are we going to do? What guarantee does anyone have on their job right now. My wife is a teacher so her job is probably very safe right now but how about the rest of us in banking, marketing, financial sales, small business owners, etc. We have to hope for the best.

Michael Phelps needs to go to Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary and visit Michael Vick and get the rundown about what is about to happen to him. I don't think he has seen the full extent of his fallout. I was wondering how long it was going to take for him to get the stick. I think with the constant media coverage and pressure we are going to see a lot more sponsors take a stand. There really needs to be a class if you in the spotlight about handling pressure and keeping good people around you. Young athletes need to take notes from Lebron James who has managed to maintain a fairly professional image. All things considered of course.

I want to take a ride just once on air force one. I know it seems really juvenile of me to get excited about a plane ride but I keep hearing about all of these things that this plan has on it and it has me intrigued. I can only imagine what sorts of technology is on there. I need an inside connection to the president. Any ideas any one??

1 comment:

  1. The bad thing about Phelps? He has to wait another 3 years before he can make folks forget about bong-gate. Athletes in major sports can make us forget in a few months when their seasons come back around. The Olympics are a long 3 and a half years away
