Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mid Week Ramblings

I sat and watched Obama's speech last night and was left feeling like more was needed. I knew going in that he was going to be making a thematic speech but I did not know to that extreme. He was extremely vague in laying out his plans. I am aware that he has some things in the works, but I think we are at a point where we need honest feedback. I know I am tired of hearing about what needs to be done. I am ready to hear how we are going to do it and what programs will suffer based on long term needs. There needs to be a breakdown of timelines, and we need to be informed of everything. This may be asking a lot so early on but I feel like this is what is needed right now.

Why is it that people who don't have children want you to have a bunch of kids. Everywhere that I go people ask myself and my wife how many children we have and we say one. We also say how we have no plans to have any more children. This is something that we have talked about in great detail. This normally turns to the person having a discussion about why having one child is not good for the child and how an only child is normally a spoiled child. To all of you that have this point of view I invite you to please take it upon yourselves to have all the children you want. It is not happening over here. My wife and I are very content. Even in my seminar yesterday during lunch, the facilitator asked me how many children my wife and I had and explained everything to her. She then proceeded to tell me how her husband was raised an only child and how he is. Really? Is it that serious?


  1. You can only be but so detailed on television..I do believe a more detailed plan is available online though.

  2. As an only child, tell those people to kick rocks. I love being an only child (well my mother's only child). My mother was able to provide me with all sorts of extra-curricular activiities like Girls Scouts, ballet classes, drama classes, trips, Broadway shows. You name it. Not to mention a private school education. Sure I'm spoiled to an extent but as my mother rationalized why should I have a mediocre childhood (having to divide her time and money amongst other children) when she can give one child more??
