Tuesday, February 24, 2009


How many people can you name that are really doing what they feel like they were put on this earth to do? How many people are really passionate about what they do and would do it even if they were not making a fairly decent amount of money? This is something that I have been thinking about lately. As a look around I really don't see anyone that falls in this category. I know a few people that are very successful at what they are doing and have made a very good career doing it. But I ask again about the passion. My brother and I have a friend whom we have known since he was in middle school. Ever since he was young he wanted to be a pilot and talked about it all the time. When he graduated high school he went on to college and when he graduated from there went right to flight school. He has now been a pilot for quite some time and he really enjoys it. How often is this that we hear of someone who follows a path like this. I will say that even my brother is now writing for a sports team part time and he is loving every minute of it. He has been talking about doing something like this for as long as I can remember. I asked though, how many people do we know like this. It has been said that college is supposed to help you with this process but I have not seen that. I know many people who went to school, starting job hunting, and went with the money. They are really operating on auto pilot. They may be doing what they need to do to advance in that field but are they really doing what makes them happy?

I guess this is on my mind because I am still searching for what truly drives me. I have always been a writer even when I was young. I started writing poetry and moved on to short stories and then music. It is something that I have always enjoyed but it is also something I just do for fun and not a career. I also enjoy and love music. I enjoy the entire music making process. I had a discussion yesterday with a friend who is in the music business about how much the process of putting out an album is unknown but how much I love it. I also enjoy working with and talking to at risk youth. In some way shape or fashion I have had my hand in one of these careers in my spare time when I am not knee deep in the banking world. I guess I am feeling like I may be more motivated if I did what made me smile all day long. I have been told my current Regional VP that I always seem to enjoy what I do and my results show it, but I really don't feel that way. I believe this is where the term stepping out on faith comes in. We shall see.......

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