Monday, February 23, 2009


As I get older I am realizing more and more that I really have a very small circle of friends. I can count on my hand the people that call my good friends. I wonder if that is normal. I have always been closest to my brother so he is really who I consider the friend that I have had the longest and who I am closest too...(And of course my wife). My brother and I have been through things that I can't even put into words. But he is always there for me no matter what and I love him to death for it. But beyond that my friends over the years have seem to come and go. I wonder if as people get older and get married and in relationships that having good friends around is not as important. One of my boys who I am going to work out with this morning is someone who I have known since I was in 5th grade. We have always been real cool so I can consider him a friend. We have lost contact a few times over the years but have always linked back up(pause) and have still been real cool. I also recently linked back up with a friend of mine via Facebook who I have not seen or spoken too in about 8 years. I just wonder if other men my age have a small circle of friends or do they still have a lot of people that they consider to be close friends. Do they still have a lot of people over the house from time to time? Or do they just go out every now and then with a select few people. Maybe it is just me. I think part of it may be my personality. It takes a lot for me to really trust someone and allow them in my circle. I don't think that trust is something that happens over night.

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